We Are A Community of Practice

We welcome you to join Healthy Native Youth’s Community of Practice virtual gatherings held the second Wednesday of each month at 10-11:30 am PST.

Our passion is to work together to uplift and support our Native youth. Sessions include new resources and opportunities to engage with native professionals in the field. As a community, we share our strengths and experiences about how we will improve the lives of Native youth.

Who Should Attend?

Tribal health educators, teachers, parents, prevention specialists; people who share a commitment for improving the lives of Native youth.

How To Join

  • Register by clicking below by the session. See Community of Practice schedule below.
  • After registering, you will receive an email with connection info to join the Community of Practice session.
  • Text HEALTHY to 94449 and receive Community of Practice connection info sent directly to your phone.

CoP Summer Recess – Seeking Topical Ideas for Year 7

We’d like to express our gratitude for the support and dedication to the CoP! Year 6 has concluded and its time for summer recess and planning for Year 7!

We are seeking feedback and input for Year 7 topics – so let us know what you’d like to know or to learn.

Submit your Year 7 topic ideas by clicking here: https://www.healthynativeyouth.org/training_feedback/

Enjoy your summer and of course, you can always watch our recorded sessions for your planning & ideas!

In Case You Missed It! Watch previously recorded Community of Practice Sessions

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