
OVERVIEW: Choose a culturally-relevant health program and get approval if needed

Goal: Decide which program aligns with your goals and values. Consult with decision-makers to find a curriculum that meets community needs. Choose a culturally-relevant health curriculum and get approval if needed.

You have gathered youth and community feedback to identify their health priorities, resources and needs. Now you are ready for the CHOOSE phase! Use the HNY Comparison Chart to select an age-appropriate health curriculum that aligns with your goals and setting. Based on your setting, it may be necessary to obtain approval, such as a Memorandum of Agreement between a school and a health department, to deliver the program. This agreement connects community partners in a collaborative relationship to support youth. Invite youth to share their voice as you choose a culturally-relevant curricula.

Choose Phase Steps

Get support: Identify Decision Makers

  1. Choose which criteria are most critical
  2. Select a program that aligns with your goals
  3. Get approval if needed

Youth voice: Seek input from youth and community